Services & Pricing


Vaughny Custom Shoes, we make your ideas come to life on your kicks with our hand painted shoes. From small customizations to full shoe paintings express yourself and your interests to others with a custom pair of shoes. Nike, Vans and Converse, we paint them all however you like, for a great price.  

How We Work

Our prices vary depending on the level of custom you are wanting. We charge a flat charge based off of our 3 levels of customization.
Prices shown do not include the price of shipping or cost of shoe itself ( if applicable). 

If you are looking to get your feet into some Vaughny painted shoes heres how.

Step one: Send us the shoes you want customized. Either drop them off at our Calgary location or ship them to us. Or you can tell us what brand, type and size shoe you want, send us the money and we will buy them and get straight to painting.

Step two: Tell us what you're envisioning for your painted shoes, then Vaughny will tell you what level customization it is. Once you are happy with the design and flat rate charge, we get to work. 

Step 3: Once your custom kicks are complete either come pick them up or we will ship them to you, you just pay shipping.

Step 4: Enjoy your fresh new Vaughny Custom painted shoes.

Custom Shoe Levels

Level 1 (Small): Price $15
Example of Level 2 (small) design

Level one is our smallest shoe painting level. A customization is considered level one/small, when the shoe is less than 40% painted. This can include things such as a logo painted, a name customization, smaller symbols or graphics. 

Level 2 (Medium): Price $35
Example of Level 2 (Medium) Design 

Level 2 is our (medium) level of custom shoes. A customization is considered level 2 when the design takes up 40%-60% of entire shoe. These paintings are larger than level two but do not cover the entire shoe like a level 3. 

Level 3 (Full Custom Shoe): Price $50
Example of level 3 full shoe customization
Example of Level 3 Full Shoe customization

 Level 3 is our largest level of customization. A shoe is considered  level 3 when 85% -100% of shoe is being painted. These are large designs and often more complex so it is considered a level 3.


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